August 3, 2014


Depression (major depressive disorder) is different than just having the “blues”. We all experience feeling “down”, “sad”, “bummed out” for a period time depending on life circumstances. This is perfectly normal. Someone experiencing depression, however, is struggling with feelings of severe despair for an extended period of time. Every aspect of their life is affected, including how they feel, their physical health, their relationships and their work. Feeling motivated to get up in the morning and keep going is a challenge. “For people with depression, it does not feel like there is a “light at the end of the tunnel”  Learn More >

Central Sensitization

Central sensitization is a condition of the nervous system thought to be associated with the development of chronic pain conditions. Central sensitization occurs when the nervous system becomes “up-regulated” to be in a persistent state of high reactivity. The progression toward an up-regulated nervous system usually begins long before a central sensitization condition manifests. After an injury, the continual state of nervous system activation maintains pain even though the initial injury may have healed. Learn More >

Low Self-esteem

We all have days of feeling low about ourselves. It is common and normal to feel disappointed at our own short-comings from time to time. But on-going low self-esteem in adults is a serious issue which can underpin many other problems. It’s different from feeling down over a bad job interview – it’s characterized by persistent negative thoughts and feelings about oneself across situations. We all have an “inner dialogue” running through our mindsWhen we have one that tells us negative things about ourselves, like “I’m stupid” or “I’m not worth it”, the result is feeling dejected, hopeless, insecure and depressed
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PTSD/Trauma – Adults
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is a serious condition which requires treatment as soon as it’s identified. It is completely treatable, meaning people can recover fully from the symptoms of trauma. They may never forget the events that caused such an intense reaction, but they needn’t live as though the memories are real.
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Childhood Abuse
Childhood abuse takes many forms and causes profound and pervasive damage that can last a lifetime. Adults who suffered some form of abuse as children often continue to suffer with the psychological and physical repercussions. They often feel that something is “wrong” with them, that they are “damaged” while other people are “normal”.
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Anxiety is a heightened state of nervousness or dread ranging from butterflies to panic attacks to phobias. It is caused by a PERCEIVED threat, which may or may not be rational (i.e. going outside). Anxiety disorders occur most often between the ages 18 to 64 years, and have higher rates in women. However, all ages and genders can be afflicted with anxiety.
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Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is a serious health problem in Canada. Overall, between 10 and 12 per cent of Canadians live with chronic pain (from CIRPD). And the numbers increase with age. In a 2005 survey, close to one third of Canadian seniors reported living with chronic pain.
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Chronic Illness
Chronic illness refers to diagnosed medical conditions that cause some degree of chronic disability to life. Chronic diseases are different. They can be slow to develop, long lasting, and can be progressive and incurable. For many chronic diseases, there is no cure. The long-term effects of a chronic illness may be difficult to predict.
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Grief and Loss
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Addiction is a general term used to describe behaviours associated with a craving or compulsion that is uncontrollable and is causing problems in a person’s life. Addictions can be related to almost any kind of behaviour or substance: food, shopping, alcohol, sex, drugs, gambling, television and so on.
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Relationship Issues
There are many reasons why a couple may go through a “rough patch”. Unexpected stresses happen to all couples, even the most loving and committed. Whether from stresses outside the relationship such as job loss, illness or loss in children or extended family, financial strain, conflict with children or extended family, or blended family strain, or from stresses within the relationship, such as infidelity, physical or mental illness, addiction, separation or divorce, unexpected pregnancy, moving house, etc, couples that survive such turbulent times tend to have similar characteristics which help to buffer coping strategies.
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Separation and Divorce
Although separating from a spouse can be the right choice, it is an extremely stressful life change. Often there is years of shared history that must be teased apart and redefined. The “self” must be redefined as well, from “couple” to “single”, and if children are involved, the emotional toll is high.
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Families with Mental Illness
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Parenting Support
From time to time all parents need some support to understand the needs of their child. Even parents with average, successful children, issues arise that may be outside the expertise of the parents. Children don’t come with a manual!
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Stress and Coping
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